1:1 Lactation Consultation
in Orange County, California or virtually from anywhere
I am an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. I have been helping women and babies breastfeed since 2012. I believe in a gentle approach to breastfeeding and support women to feed their babies in whatever way they choose.
Continuing Education I have completed:
The Thompson Method Practitioner Program (based on 50 years of midwifery experience and the PhD research on nipple trauma by Dr. Robyn Thompson)
Jennifer Tow's IBCLC Master Class (Oral anatomy and the habilitation of the breastfeeding dyad)
Gut-Brain for IBCLCs (food intolerances, gut dysbiosis, metabolic disorders, eczema, reflux and related issues)
Hazelbaker Lactation Institute Assessment of Lingual Frenulum Function (tongue and other tethered oral tissues)
Bottle Skills for the Bottle Refuser with Susan Howard
Pumping and Feeding Gear with Babies in Common